Guest Post

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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Time lost

I can't believe it's been a month since I've blogged. My gosh, where was I? Oh yes. SeaScape started the writerly juices flowing, and I was caught up in serious research and editing my novel, of course.

I'm only half-done with yet another edit cycle of "Deadly Star" but it's coming along. So far, Mirabel has survived a plane crash; has a younger man in love with her; thinks she's still in love with her ex-husband; and comes home to find the man who tried to kill her sitting on her living room couch. Now that I've got her all tied up in a web of danger, I've got to intensify the mystery behind it all and get her out -- alive. Piece of cake! (Must be devil's food.)

My goal is to finish the edits before December 15 (a contest deadline) so I write every day, sometimes for an hour, sometimes for three or four. It's all about being focused. But I have two other W-I-Ps and sometimes they call my name. I have to sneak in a few lines on one of them before I can get my "Deadly Star" voices back.

The party season is fast approaching, and the Lyrical Pens are putting the finishing touches on our own harvest-time get-together. We're starting early in November, and I'm hoping for enough momentum to carry me into the new year. Love it!

Keep on keeping on, folks. I will.


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