What a busy and productive week! Mailed off four contest entries, finished a book review, and met with the Baldwin Writers Group in Daphne's Library. And, no, AFDOC didn't get a lot of attention this week, but all my seeded plants are in the ground and looking fine in the spring weather. Does that count? Probably not.
First let me say that the Daphne Library is a nice place to spend some time. They were in the middle of their annual book fair Saturday, so the place was packed with people buying and sharing. If you haven't been to their library, make it a point to visit the next time you're over that way. It's easy to find and full of creativity. The entire facility has an at-home comfort and is filled with cute do-dads (a great Southern word) stashed all around. In the young adult section there is an ongoing puzzle, which will be framed once it's finished. From the look of it, a lot of people have taken in interest in finishing it. There are comfortable chairs and cozy areas to sit and chat or peruse a book, and a delightful book store. And to-die-for quilts you can buy a chance to win. All and all a delight for a reader or author's eyes. A special thank you to the kind librarian who got me a bottle of water. I was in the antihistamine desert and forgot to bring mine.
Thanks to Phil Brady, President of the BWG and Nolan White, who invited me to speak. The group discussion was on the art of critiquing - a process near and dear to my heart - and hopefully I gave them some valuable information to make their work profitable (in more ways than one.) A friendly and well versed group of established writers, newbie writers, and a most personable artist, who, like me, was visiting for the first time had a lively discussion. I won't embarrass the artist by mentioning a name, but (s)he's also a dentist, and I'll bet a darn creative one. When my son was in junior high, he wante
d a cap on his incisor with a purple LSU on it - he did not get it - but I'll bet this dentist is just the one who could've helped him with that. By the way, my son did get a gold retainer with a purple LSU down the middle of it after his braces were off. He's an executive chef now and is equally creative in his formulation of menus and delightful dishes. The 50s picture this week is dedicated to him.

A special thank you to cj who went with me to the meeting and added valuable info to the discussion about genres and literary compared to commercial fiction, etc. We continued our artistic discussion at lunch with Nolan, Frank C (there are several Franks), and Donna afterwards. cj and I talked all the way across the bay and back home. I thank BWG for prompting so many creative thoughts.
AFDOC and I have scheduled some serious time together next week. Wish me well and I send you caviar wishes for champagne writing. Mahala
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