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Saturday, March 6, 2010

AFDOC Week 9

What a busy and productive week! I'm through chapter 24 and well into the revision zone. Now that I've made it over halfway, I've gotten a second wind and can't seem to type fast enough. Changes continue to abound and I got several good ideas while pulling out chapters to submit to contests as short stories. Editing the chapters to create a well-rounded short story and formulate a slightly new twist has tremendous advantages for the editing process. It helps see the story more clearly as you reorganize it into a succinct free-standing story and slave to meet the word count required by the contest. Suddenly, the redundant words and phrases leap off the page and scream at you to be deleted, and I, for one, appreciate their alarms.

On the other side of the coin, I have a non-fiction piece that needs some significant help to make it more viable for the publisher who has accepted it. Unfortunately, my research keeps hitting dead ends and is driving me crazy. Most authorities and people with an interest in telling their story welcome the opportunity to get their story out to the public, but not in this case. Every source I contact is absolute in their ability to ignore me. Frustration!!!!! But I haven't given up and will take a new tack {or tact} this week in my pursuit of education and getting the story in print.

As cj wrote, spring is lurking just around the corner in Mobile, peeking out one day with a temperature of 65 only to disappear the next with a temperature in the forties. Don't you just love this time of year? You can almost feel the trees and flowers trembling with anticipation. My favorite season. Enjoy!

A blast from the past. Mahala

Ding Dong Avon Calling

{My mother loved their Topaz fragrance}

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