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Thursday, December 30, 2010

AFDOC 44-52: I Did It My Way

December 27, 2010 saw The End typed into AFDOC's final page.  The last few chapters were hard under any circumstances since they are the climax of the story and very emotional, but I had to wait a while before I could face them.  They are richer and more poi gnant due to the last month.  I also discovered it's very hard to type and cry at the same time, so I had to lock myself away to get it done.  I had the misfortune to lose three people who were precious to me this year.  My friend, Mac {a girl} who was in my wedding about a hundred years ago, my adorable and ever so kind Uncle Newman, and my dear friend, Tracy.  I thank God for all of them and the joys they brought to my life.  May you be lucky enough to have such people in your life.  cj and I see each other all the time and we know we're lucky to have each other as writing partners and good friends.  The same goes for Linda Busby-Parker, my writing mentor and good friend, who celebrated her 40th wedding anniversary with Don at their recent Christmas party.  I'm grateful for critique partners, Nolan and Wanda who keep me on track.

As I move forward into 2011, my resolution list is made and taped to all the places I frequent to keep me on target, at least that's what I hope they will do.  AFDOC will soon be going to my critique group, I have three new jobs on tap, and a new book is stewing, so what more could I ask for?  A job for my daughter, who has been on lay off for 16 months, my roof to last until I sell a book, and above all weight loss without trying! 

A peaceful year to you all.           Mahala

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