I'm always amazed at how we writers tend to hide our accomplishments. When April's winner sent me her bio, notice how far down Judy stashes a major achievement. Judy, stand and be proud. You are a writer to be reckoned with, and we are happy to have you once again as a winner on Lyrical Pens.
Residing in Gautier, MS since 1998, Judy Davies writes
poetry and prose and manages the music publishing company for her composer
husband, Ken Davies. Ken has set some of
her poetry to music as art songs and their first full-length CD of narrated
poetry with custom crafted music, Poetic Soundscapes, has recently been
released. The couple is available to do
live presentations of selections from their CD for groups or classrooms. See her website at www.kendavies.net/judyswriting
to purchase CDs. Judy's book, Poetic
Images, was released in 2011. She is
vice-president of the Mississippi Poetry Society, an active South Branch member
and the 2012 Senior Poet Laureate for Mississippi (I see you found it.) Judy holds degrees in English and Paralegal
Studies. She and her husband enjoy
traveling to both music and poetry festivals and are usually accompanied by
their cats Little Fluff and Darius Meow.
As soon as I opened the door I knew
it wasn't a normal day. Nothing was in
its proper place. Only a fool would
assume it had been left like that.
Someone had searched my office and been in quite a hurry. What had been the snoop's target? I was just the secretary. Why had my office been ransacked? Quickly I backed out of the room without
touching anything, wondering if the intruder had found what he wanted or if he
would be back later. Suddenly someone
caught me by the shoulders.
"What's going on?" Feeling the color drain from my face, I
muffled a scream as I recognized my boss's voice.
"Good thing I don't have a
heart condition," I muttered as I turned to face him. "Someone has ransacked my office. In fact, he may still be in there. I was going to the next office to call the
police," I whispered.
"Good. You do that," he ordered. "I'm going in to check my office and the
With that he whipped out a
handkerchief with one hand, pulled a small handgun from one of his boots and
stepped through the door.
I hurried down the corridor to the
adjacent office where my friend, Michelle, was busy at her computer.
"Good morning, Karen," she
smiled sweetly.
"Calling the police!" I
answered as I grabbed her phone.
"This is Karen Dunley at 345
Woolery Building, Suite 460. We've been
burglarized. Please hurry."
"What! What in the world?" Michelle exclaimed.
"Someone has ransacked my
office; I have no idea why. Mr. Benson
just arrived and is in there
checking his office and the safe. And,
Michelle, he had a gun!"
"Who had a gun? Is the thief still in there?"
"I don't know if he is or
not. And I certainly didn't know Mr.
Benson carried a gun. I didn't even know
we had a safe. Oh, good grief, I forgot
to tell the police Mr. Benson and his gun were in there. I hope they don't shoot him. I'd better go down and warn Mr. Benson."
"Karen, are you crazy? You don't know who might be down there and
the police are on their way. You need to
stay right here and I'm locking this door."
"I guess you're right, but what
could a thief possibly want? We don't
deal in anything contraband or keep
large sums of money? Mr. Benson's safe
must be in his desk because I've never seen it in the three years I've worked
"I hear police sirens. We should know something soon."
Karen unlocked the door and peeked
into the hall in time to see Mr. Benson in handcuffs.

by Judy Davies
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