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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Stuff and Nonsense Writing Contest

September's Stuff and Nonsense Contest yielded not one entry, which is sad news for all of us who love to read a wonderful new creation from someone's imagination. But perhaps everyone was busy getting the kiddies back into school and perhaps into classes for the parents as well. And then there are all the ballgames and getting gardens ready for next spring. We all have a lot to do.

Ever the optimist, I will post another contest this week for October in the belief that one of you will shower us with a new piece of flash fiction (500 words or less), a new look at that orange month of spooks and goblins, beautiful fall leaves, and the first breath of cool air to remind us that the seasons have indeed changed as we depend on them to do.

I would like to hear from some of you with ideas for prompts to stir up writers' imaginations on the orange month of fall. To that end, I will wait a few days before I post the contest for October.  I wish I had thought of this sooner. Maybe the problem last month was with my prompt, so I'm counting on you to help me out with a bigger and better challenge for October.

Here's hoping.................


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