TGIF. When I was “gainfully” employed, that was a
favorite expression of people at work. I guess I was a bit of a Friday freak
because TGIF was not my favorite expression.
Don’t get me wrong. I was happy to be out of the
office, but my weekends passed like whirlwinds. As a single mother, my weekends
were filled to capacity with things that needed to be done around the house or
with family or kids’ ballgames or grocery shopping, ad infinitum. I had to race to complete my
to-do list in two days because my weekday evenings were tied up with college classes
and homework.
I’m no longer in a company environment, yet I find
that the habit has stayed with me. Instead of college classes and homework, I
fill my weekdays and nights with gardening and writing. I can spend hours
pulling weeds or working on the dialogue of a single paragraph. I can spend
days and days on Internet research (of course, that “might’ include a game or
two of Solitaire while I conjure a plot point or character flaw). It seems I am still racing
through whirlwind weekends to get a to-do list completed. (Sigh) Maybe I’ll see
you at the grocery store tomorrow.
I think I need a refresher class in time
Here’s hoping you’re doing better than I am.
Okay, you-all guys keep on keeping on, and I’ll
try to do the same.
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