Guest Post

HAVE A BOOK TO PROMOTE? Lyrical Pens welcomes guest posts. Answer a questionnaire or create your own post. FYI, up front: This site is a definite PG-13. For details, contact cj

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Year: New Ideas

cj and I have exciting surprises!

  • wonderful posts on and for writers 
  • wonderful guests who will share their take on the art of writing
  • wonderful new contests planned
We hope you will join us as we celebrate writing throughout 2014!

 Mysterious Mondays, we talk about what else? Mysteries. A few examples include:
  1. what separates one kind from another
  2. building tension without revealing too much
  3. using the five senses to take readers into the scene
  4. our favorite mystery authors and why
  5. and much more to keep mystery authors on their toes.

Scrivener Saturdays include just about anything on the art of writing.
  1. excerpts from our published work and some WIPs
  2. networking with other writers
  3. building author platforms
  4. freelancing.................and on and on it goes.
 Welcome Wednesdays will bring you guests – some returns and some new. Stay tuned.

Check out the wide variety of contests and requests for submissions.

Contact us if you would like to do a guest post and promote your work. We'll send your our guidelines - plan to post these in the very near future. I promise!

Look over my 3-Part Series on setting obtainable goals and objectives and keeping track of what you’re doing in writing. (check December 2013 archives for info)

Sign up for a new class in Barefoot Writing Academy with new dates and times and fees.

And maybe I'll find time to learn how to space things the way I want them.


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