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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Book Review: Homer and Langley

Friday Forum - a day late and short this time.

Mammatus Clouds
Once in a while, a book comes along that is so different, so mesmerizing, so wonderful, you have to tell others about it. Homer and Langley by E. L. Doctorow (one of my favorite authors) is one of
those. If breaking the rules, reading literature, or being flummoxed for a bit isn't your cup of tea, do not, I repeat, do not read this book.

Atypical: If you want traditional, Do Not Go Near This Book.

Peculiar: Is the style of the writing.

Brilliant: Difficult to ascertain exactly what Doctorow is saying at times.

Rule Breaking: Grammar and punctuation, chapters, scenes - forget all the rules.

Lush: Adjectives and adverbs draw readers into the story.

Mesmerizing: Story moves swiftly through U. S. history: 1800s almost to new millennium

Researched: Well done and leaves you wanting to find out more about the Collyer brothers.

Creative: The End - a wonderful Aha! moment.

Historical Fiction at its most creative.  If you take a chance and read it, let me know what you think.


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