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Friday, March 6, 2015

Grab Our Attention

We have all had those experiences when a word or topic we’ve never heard of grabs our attention and suddenly we see and hear it everywhere. Here are a few recent posts from sites I follow on the topic we’ve been talking about for the past two weeks - Authorpreneurship.

What Authors Can Learn From Startups
March 5, 2015
Guest post by Ricardo Fayet

Abstract:  Fayet discusses the importance of writers spending money on marketing, editing, etc. because they are assets that create value in the competitive market where we work. He compares independent authors to other startup businesses and the importance of treating our work as exactly what it is - work that has value.

An Online Home Matters - Editors Thoughts
February 27, 2015
C. Hope Clark

If you remember, I mentioned Hope and her influence on my work as a freelancer in my  2/26/15 post here - Authorpreneurship Part 2.

Abstract:  Clark explains the importance of an online presence for writers, a presence that may be the deal breaker for an agent or publisher. Advantages of an online presence include author credibility, sells, and reader engagement.

Demographics and Diversity Present Opportunity
March 5, 2015
Mary Keeley

Abstract:  Keeley discusses how the “challenging” changes in publishing give impetus to both publishers and authors to step out of the box. She looks at two studies that explore untapped markets of readers and the opportunities to see and write about the world around us differently.

Let me know what you think. Mahala

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