cj Sez: I thought at first I’d do a post on the coming of
fall, so I did a Google search of The Old Farmer’s Almanac for the official date
of the 2015 Autumnal Equinox (4:21 a.m. September 23). I was astounded to see
that 412 people gave the Almanac an average rating of only four-and-one-half
stars. Why not five stars? Facts are facts, folks. The other stuff is folklore (as
they say it is) and projections based on historical data and should be taken as
Maybe some of those picky people were complaining about the
layout of the site. It could use a better design, perhaps. It’s not gorgeous,
and I’ll admit some of the ads (which probably allow the website to be
self-sustaining) are yucky and distracting. But the page is navigable and not the
real issue.
One commenter wanted to know when exactly autumn arrives this
year and then, because he didn’t see it, complained about having to scroll to
the bottom of the page to enter comments. He and the commenter who agreed with
him obviously missed the top headline of the article, and I quote:
2015, the autumnal equinox falls on September 23 at 4:21 A.M. (ET).
That’s Verdana, 13.5 point font.
The info was repeated in the first subhead as well, and I don’t know about you, but I’ve never seen a comment box
near the top of a website.
I’ve seen reviews by people who purchased an item on Amazon then
rated the product one star because they thought delivery took too long. Had
nothing to do with the quality of the product.
So where am I going with all that? It’s to reinforce why
comments and reviews need to be put in perspective. I go back to the bell curve
example (the one I usually use for critiques). Don’t let the bottom naysayers
get you down. A fellow writer was grieving a one-star review on Amazon that
complained about something that wasn’t even in her novel. The reviewer hadn’t
read the book. On-line trolls abound.
We can’t realistically expect all reviews to be five-stars
(though we’d love them to be). I admit to having pangs when someone dings a
story. Yes, it skews the “average,” but then I re-read the good reviews that I
do have (some posted, some not) and settle down. I remind myself that I cannot
please every reader out there. Duh. That’s the reason there are a gazillion
different stories in multiple genres for the gazillion readers.
A one-star review from an on-line troll should be nothing to
grieve. Consider the source, and please do not respond to the reviewer. That
might dig a deeper, darker hole than you want to dive into.

Okay, you-all guys keep on keeping on, and I’ll try to do
the same.
Choosing Carter
(Pub: Crimson Romance)
http://bit.ly/1PrBsZj (B&N)
Deadly Star
(Pub: Crimson Romance)
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