Guest Post

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Sunday, November 1, 2020

Do you think one extra hour of sleep is enough to get writers ready for 30 days of B-I-C?

cj Sez:  "National Novel Writing Month" is an organization that helps writers write, though the group is probably best known for their November NAtionalNOvelWRItingMOnth challenge that starts today…

   NaNoWriMo is a time when thousands of people commit to sitting their butts in chairs (B-I-C) and writing 50,000 words in one month. Since November has thirty days, that comes out to 1666.66 words a day (plus .2), but who’s counting. This year Sisters in Crime, an organization I am a member of, is a proud sponsor of NaNoWriMo. 

cj Sez: If you’re thinking about accepting the challenge, go to the NaNoWriMo website for more information and be sure to connect with like-minded writers who will encourage you along when the going gets tough.


   Daylight Saving Time ended at 2:00 A.M. this morning. Hopefully, on Saturday evening, your clocks fell back one hour and you got your extra hour of sleep.

Personally I wanted to turn my clocks forward to a better year…whatever it is.

From The Old Farmer’s Almanac: Why Did DST Start? 

   “Blame Ben? Benjamin Franklin’s “An Economical Project,” written in 1784, is the earliest known proposal to ‘save’ daylight. It was whimsical in tone, advocating laws to compel citizens to rise at the crack of dawn to save the expense of candlelight:

   ‘Every morning, as soon as the Sun rises, let all the bells in every church be set ringing: and if that is not sufficient, let cannon be fired in every street to wake the sluggards effectually… . Oblige a man to rise at four in the morning, and it is probable that he will go willingly to bed at eight in the evening.’” 

   The Almanac reported that the first true proponent of Daylight Saving Time was an Englishman named William Willett who revived the idea in 1907 and actively lobbied for it.

   Despite Mr. Willet’s push, it was the Germans who were first to officially adopt the concept in 1915 as a fuel-saving measure during World War I.


   From the pen of a Facebook friend/author comes my inspiration and aspiration: “47,520 copies sold through the years. I’m right proud of that.” (And well she should be!)

Advice from Bookish Buzz on Facebook:

  “Don’t be afraid to stop reading books that aren’t working for you. Reading time is precious, and you should use it to read books you love—not books you think you *should* finish.”


   There are eighteen pieces for your reading pleasure in the Mobile Writers Guild latest anthology, HALLOWEEN PIECES, ranging from ghost and paranormal stories to poems and even a play. The Halloween theme is not the end-all-be-all—the selections offer year-round enjoyment. The anthology gives readers hours of variety entertainment for one low price! (A great gift for the holidays.)

Buy Now 

   The Mobile Public Library  YouTube channel has videos of some of the authors reading excerpts from their submissions. Find the Mobile Writers Guild Anthology play list here:

   A review that came in to my Facebook page: “It was very enjoyable.....all of the stories were.” 

   HALLOWEEN PIECES is available on Amazon (free on Kindle Unlimited)—and several of the authors have signed a limited supply of copies available from The Haunted Bookshop (see where to order below).




  That’s it for today’s post. You-all guys keep on keeping on, and I’ll try to do the same. 


P.S.  TO ORDER my autographed books or any book of your choice on-line from my favorite indie bookstore, contact The Haunted Bookshop here:

 The store has re-opened to limited hours, so if you’re in the Mobile area, you can stop and shop, too.

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