Guest Post

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Sunday, August 15, 2021

My favorite topic: writers and readers

 cj Sez: As I type this blog post . . .

Writerly/Readerly quote:
“The greatest part of a writer’s time is spent in reading in order to write. A man will turn over half a library to make a book.”Samuel Johnson
If you’re a writer. . . You know how, after filling a three-ring binder with rejections  (as one writer I know did), we writers worry if our writing will ever be “good enough” to get published? 

  Feelings of inadequacy can often overwhelm any feeling of confidence in our competency and send us running for a big spoon, the nearest jar of hot fudge, and a half-gallon ice cream (my preference is chocolate) for comfort. But think about this: Bona fide professionals, those people we consider successful, do not, cannot rest on their laurels. Okay, that’s a cliché, but truly, professionals continually work to improve and perfect their skills.

    Every time Donald Maass, author of WRITING THE BREAKOUT NOVEL, leads a workshop on writing, I’d venture to guess he’s included something new since his last workshop. I know he keeps producing how-to books that incorporate new slants on writing (such as this gem:
THE EMOTIONAL CRAFT OF FICTION). He’s a professional who keeps learning.
   Pro golfers take lessons; powerhouse baseball hitters have trainers as do Olympic runners and skaters. The lesson is clear. The way for writers to improve their craft is to seek critiques and editorial expertise and attend workshops and network (on-line now days) and practice; i.e., read, read, read, and write, not just something but some “thing,” regularly. Those tasks never cease.
  Granted, conferences and workshops are being cancelled right and left again this year, but some organizers have the time to convert to virtual attendance. No packing suitcases involved. Taking advantage of a virtual gathering means you can get some outstanding interaction and input while sitting in your slippers and pajamas.

  I make an effort to learn something new every day, some tidbit that I can incorporate into a work-in-progress or add to my growing list of how-to hints or incorporate into my daily life. I wish you the same success.

Now, if you’re a reader (and since writers are also readers, this applies to everyone) here are three simple ways to encourage and support authors without spending an extra dime. . .
   Like, comment, and share authors' Facebook posts. Facebook's algorithms show only posts that FB thinks other members would like to see. That means the more likes and comments a post gets, the more people will see it. (Psst: The same process works for Amazon.)
   Take a few moments to give the book you just read a fair review. It can be all of one or two sentences, yet it will be deeply appreciated.
   Go to book signings. in-person or virtual, even if you can’t afford to buy the book at that time. Your attendance is encouraging.

  Just thought I’d throw this toon in, because some schools have restarted with various and sundry new rules and regulations.

And now a few words from my sponsor: 
THE DAWGSTAR is available as an eBook
and as a paperback  Amazon Buy Now
DEATH ON THE YAMPA is available as an eBook
as a paperback  Buy Paperback Yampa
and as a #SCREAM, series phone app. There are a lot of authors and their mystery/suspense stories available on #SCREAM. All you do is load up the app and search for the author’s name.

   You can ask your local library to order my eBooks for you. You’ll need to give them the ISBN number of the title you want to borrow.
                  THE DAWGSTAR … ISBN 978-17369146-0-1
           DEATH ON THE YAMPA … ISBN 978-1-7369146-1-8


   That’s it for today’s post. You-all guys keep on keeping on, and I’ll try to do the same.

P.S. TO ORDER any book by any author of your choice on-line and support an indie bookstore, contact The Haunted Bookshop here:
   If you’d like me to autograph or personalize one of my books for you, be sure to tell them, and I’ll run by the shop.
   The Haunted Bookshop has re-opened to limited hours (and they have an awesome bookstore kitty, Mr. Bingley), so if you’re in the Mobile area, you can stop and shop, too. 
Follow me . . .     
on Amazon:    Amazon Central Author Page
on Goodreads:


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