Guest Post

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Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother's Day

cj Sez: To all the moms and moms-to-be out there:

  And to all those who’ve lost their moms, I share your loss.   

  Numbers 6:24-26  “The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.”
  Author and book coach Susanne Dunlap calls them complications. I call them plot points and find them fun to write. 

  Putting a complication/plot point at the end of every chapter is a sure way to tempt the reader to keep turning the pages.

  You can read Susanne Dunlap's thoughts here: 
   Embrace Complication to Develop a Can’t-Put-It-Down Narrative | Jane Friedman

On the personal front

  This is one of the day lilies living under a pecan tree in the front yard. Son Jeff took the photograph and enlarged a copy to the fill-the-frame Georgia O’Keeffe size, which I absolutely love. 

  He also gave me a beautiful bouquet of flowers for Mother’s Day. Love, love, love that man. 

  Okay, that’s it for today. You-all guys keep on keeping on, and I’ll try to do the same. Raising prayers for a happy and safe you and yours.
Now some words from my sponsors:
  Beach? Mountains? StayCay? It’s time to plan for those holiday and summer vacation downtime moments when you can lose yourself in a book. My novels, THE DAWGSTAR and DEATH ON THE YAMPA are available on Amazon or through your favorite eTailer and bookstore.

  Got a library card? You can read the ebooks free from Hoopla.
  Nota bene: Angela Trigg, the RITA Award-winning author and owner of The Haunted Book Shop has a few signed copies of my paperback books in stock. TO ORDER, contact: 
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