Guest Post

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Sunday, August 25, 2024

A GUEST POST today by author Kathleen Kaska

cj Sez: Lyrical Pens is excited to present a guest post today by Kathleen Kaska, the author of the Kate Caraway Animal-Rights Mystery Series as well as the award-winning Sydney Lockhart Mystery Series set in the 1950s.

  Kaska generously shares her experiences as she pursued new publishers for her books that had been previously published. Following is the author's “Here’s My Road to Reissue,” a very interesting take on that process.  

“I learned a long time ago to take advice and seemingly factual information with a grain of salt. Once, a librarian told me that if my first book didn’t become an instant best-seller, I’d have a difficult time getting anyone to publish my second book. Thirteen books later, I’m glad I didn’t act on her information. Later, when the publisher of my first four Sydney Lockhart mysteries folded, someone also told me that it would be nearly impossible to find a new publisher for books that were previously published. I didn’t listen to them either. I had big plans for several more books in this series, so when the rights were reverted to me, I began doing my homework and searching for a new publisher.

When my first book came out in the early 90s, the publishing options were simple and straightforward but limited. Writers looked for an agent or contacted publishers directly, sent their submissions, and waited, and waited, and waited. Simultaneous submissions were frowned upon, so the process worked against the writer.

Over the years, I’ve signed with numerous publishers. My experience with the university press that published my biography, The Man Who Saved the Whooping Crane: The Robert Porter Allen Story, was/is amazing. When I have questions or need something, I call them. And guess what? They answer the phone! They were open to negotiating my contract, and my royalty statements are accurate and arrive on time. The same is true for the publishers of my trivia books. Not so true with the first two publishers of my mysteries. So, I learned to be cautious. I’ve learned to ask questions. I’ve learned to recognize publishers who accept manuscripts despite not having read them.

The good news is that now there are thousands of traditional small presses, hybrid presses, and self-publishing options. The less-than-good news is that a writer has to know the business, study the contracts, know when to negotiate, and be able to recognize a good deal. With this in mind, I knew I wanted a publisher who would work with me, answer my emails, listen to my suggestions, give me honest, helpful advice and feedback, brainstorm with me on promotion and marketing ideas, give me reasonable discounts on purchasing my books, connect me with her network of published authors, and above all, care about my books. I know that’s asking a lot, but writing is hard work, and I did not want to sell myself short.

   Three years ago, I signed with Anamcara Press, and I couldn’t be happier. My publisher conducted a thorough edit on each previously published book, rebranded the entire series, which now includes two new books, and provided me with a publicist who helped me schedule book tours and kept me involved every step of the way. We meet virtually several times before each new release, tweaking the cover, metadata, and book blurbs. 

   I trust her expertise and experience. I’m selling more books than I ever have. And to top it all off, she is a nice person.”


cj Sez: 

   For your reading enjoyment, here’s the cover and buy link to the reissue of MURDER AT THE ARLINGTON, Book 1 (of 6) in her Sydney Lockhart mystery series.

  Thank you, Kathleen, for the tips and reassurances. Yep, it’s going to take work, but if we writers will do our due diligence research, there are several publishing options available for that previously published book. 

  Okay, that’s it for today. You-all guys keep on keeping on, and I’ll try to do the same. Raising prayers for a happy and safe you and yours.


Now some words from my sponsors:

  Summer is winding down, kids are going back to school, and there is available downtime. Having a book to read is the perfect relaxing entertainment for those moments of R&R. THE DAWGSTAR and DEATH ON THE YAMPA are available on Amazon or through your favorite e-Tailer and bookstore. Got a library card? You can read the ebooks free from Hoopla.

  Nota bene: Angela Trigg, the RITA Award-winning author and owner of The Haunted Book Shop has a few signed copies of my paperback books in stock. TO ORDER, contact: 

  And P.S.: Pop on over to my Amazon Central Author Page to find links to anthologies in which I have a short story. 

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  1. Thanks so much for having me as your guest today on Lyrical Pens. I love telling readers about sassy Sydney Lockhart.

    1. cj Sez: It was my pleasure to have you as a guest. The post was great!

  2. I enjoyed reading this post by Kathleen. I've followed her for years and find her to be one of the most talented, experienced, collaborative, and friendly authors in the business. Her books are fantastic, too!


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